How I Created a ChatGPT-Inspired Blog Content Funnel In Under 2 Hours


In this post, I am going to break down how I created a ChatGPT-Inspired Blog Content Funnel In under 2 hours.

A blog content funnel is a post that is used to inspire the reader to opt-in for a lead magnet and turn a website visitor into a qualified marketing lead.

This is my forté!

I am 500% obsessed with how businesses can turn Conversion-Focused Content Into Clients.

Sheeeeeet! That sounds like a great name for a training program.

A Lil Bit of Background

It was a historical moment when I first worked out how I can use ChatGPT to give myself marketing superpowers so I am kicking myself for not documenting the very first prompt I put into ChatGPT.

In the same way that every Janelle, Jidenna and Jamilah was calling themselves an artist (of sorts) after cracking the code with Midjourney, within a week of watching a video called “Mastering ChatGPT For SEO Content”, I was privately growing some pretty impressive textual content creation muscles.

A mutant, AI-assisted copywriter/website content creator.

I watched that video on 3 February 2023.

I am writing this blog post on 8 March 2023.

In a little over one month, I have created more content than I have ever written in a whole year: about 10 posts, the same amount of related lead magnets and email content – let only meta descriptions, headlines etc…

ChatGPT Cured My Blank Page-Itis

When it comes to marketing, I know my stuff. I actually know I lot of stuff after nearly 5 decades aka half a century on Planet Terre.

I have always secretly wanted a ridiculously successful blog, ever since coming across Brian Clark and Copyblogger – most precisely, a revolutionary ebook called “Teaching Sells”.

I just quickly dug into my emails and this is a very good example of the kind of content I would read and dream about using to earn a fat, gold-encrusted crust.

That was around 2014.

The thing is it took me years to learn more than putting words on the page.

I continued to devour teachings from people like Danny Iny and Aaron “Bad Man About” Wrixon whose mini-course on content was an absolute stand-out moment of my time in Ugurus 10K Bootcamp.

That was around 2015.

In 2017, I came across Michael Killen and boyeee did he write a ton of content. This was before he had a team.

I remember Mike saying (and I am paraphrasing here) “If you read every single blog post on my site, you won’t need to hire me”.

My recurring thought was “When I grow up, I want to be like Mike!”

But here’s the thing…

In 2023, there is actually a serious amount of complexity that goes into doing content marketing right – here are a bunch of important considerations:

  • Blog Title
  • Section Headings
  • Meta Description
  • Category and Tags
  • An Open Graph Image Friendly Featured Image
  • Keyword Density
  • Bold Text
  • Bullet Points
  • Call-Out Boxes
  • Content Upgrades
  • Interlinking Opportunities
  • Keyword Research
  • Keyword Variations
  • Word Count
  • Content Silos
  • Content Calendars

You see that list? That was just the writing of the blog post part!

That list does not include considerations about promotion, most importantly lead generation and lead nurturing.

Again, that list is just the blog post part and if somehow I was lucky enough to decide on a topic to write about and not bail a third of the way through for another even better idea – I was always hit by writer’s block or better explained: “I am not a writer’s block”.

But from that eureka moment and my first ChatGPT prompt – I have never suffered from writer’s block again.

I am freeking cured!

What is a ChatGPT Prompt?

I just used ChatGPT to answer that question.

This was the response:

A ChatGPT prompt is a short piece of text that you enter into the ChatGPT AI system to initiate a conversation. It can be a question, a statement, or a topic that you want to discuss. The ChatGPT system uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to analyze the prompt and generate a response that is relevant to the context of the conversation. The response is usually presented in the form of a sentence or a paragraph, and it can be further refined through additional interactions between the user and the AI system. Essentially, a ChatGPT prompt is the starting point for a conversation with an AI-powered chatbot.


I could not have written that better and I am 100% a convert of “Why the hell would I, now that ChatGPT is here?”

Warning! ChatGPT is Only As Good as Your Subject Matter Knowledge

Here is another question I asked ChatGPT:  Why is subject matter knowledge important when using ChatGPT?

And…ChatGPT said:

Subject matter knowledge is important when using ChatGPT because it helps to ensure that the responses generated by the model are accurate and relevant to the specific topic or domain being discussed. While ChatGPT has been trained on a vast corpus of text and can generate responses on a wide range of topics, it may not always provide the most accurate or helpful responses without sufficient context and knowledge.

By having subject matter knowledge, a user can better guide the conversation and ask more specific questions to elicit more accurate and helpful responses from ChatGPT. Additionally, having subject matter knowledge can help to identify when the model may be generating inaccurate or misleading responses, allowing for more effective error correction and refinement of the conversation.

In short, subject matter knowledge helps to ensure that ChatGPT is used effectively and efficiently, and can help to enhance the overall quality of the conversation and the responses generated by the model.

Yah see meh? Remember when I said I know a lot of stuff?

This is why a can use ChatGPT to help myself and clients and even my wife work out the best questions to ask someone in an interview.

The same is true of the badasses using Midjourney to create digital art – the art (the output) is only as good as the prompts.

Their prompts are only as good as their clear and vivid imagination.

I always used to tell people that you need to know how to use the internet.

I have always understood how to reverse engineer the answer I am looking for so that I know what “question” (keywords) to use in a search engine.

In my world, ChatGPT is basically a calculator for someone who wished they were good at maths, not someone who doesn’t want to learn maths.

It’s like my very own, super fidèle Taylor Mason (from Billions)

Asia Kate Dillon as Taylor in ‘Billions’. PHOTO BY JEFF NEUMANN/SHOWTIME.

ChatGPT helps me combat writer’s block and be a lot quicker at getting my knowledge into the world.

Hell, I wrote a full draft for this post an hour before starting my full-time job. No Cap!

I am not here to argue about whether SkyNet is on the way.

IMO, ChatGPT is like a powerful vitamin for someone like me who has always consumed a healthy diet of knowledge.

I have never felt stronger.

Okay, let’s get to the good stuff. Here’s how I used ChatGPT to create a Blog Content Funnel:

What is a Blog Content Funnel?

The concept of a content funnel is commonly used in marketing and sales to describe the process of converting potential customers into paying customers.

Some common terms that may be used to refer to a blog content funnel include:

  • Content marketing funnel
  • Sales funnel for blog content
  • Blog conversion funnel
  • Blog sales funnel
  • Blog engagement funnel

Regardless of the specific term used, the basic idea behind a blog content funnel is to create a series of content that guides readers from awareness to interest, consideration, and ultimately, a conversion or purchase.

The funnel may include different types of content, such as blog posts, social media posts, videos, and lead magnets, all designed to move readers closer to becoming customers.

My Blog Content Funnel Creation Process

Pick a Post Type

I choose a Foundation, Authority or Domination Post from my Blog Post Vault (BPV) (created by Sandra + Taughnee @ ConversionMinded) – Yo! The BPV is amazeballs!

At the moment, and as guided by Sandra + Taughnee, I am building out my site with Foundation Posts.

“A foundation post answers a specific question your target audience has, ideally addresses a topic that has low competition in search, and should be in the 1000-1500 words range.”

For example, I may choose a “WHAT IS” Foundation Post:

“Sometimes readers just need a quick answer to a specific question. Imagine them typing it into Google: “What is [X]?”

“What is” posts are perfect when you want to:

  • Define one simple niche term or concept (e.g. What is a long-tail keyword in SEO?)
  • Share your “recipe” for success (e.g. What is the most effective at-home workout for stay-at-home moms? What is the best content mix for a healthcare business?)”

Get a Bunch of Concepts (One-Off)

This is the first time and only (in this process) that I used the following ChatGPT prompt.

So, bear in mind that I only did this once and I can use the answer for a bunch of “What is” posts.

Lemme show you what I mean.


What are some concepts that a premium professional service business owner wants to understand that relate to marketing automation?

Note: I specialise in marketing automation strategy coaching, consulting and implementation for premium professional service businesses. Duh!


As a premium professional business owner, there are several key concepts related to marketing automation that you should understand:

Lead scoring: Lead scoring is a process of assigning a score to a lead based on their behavior and demographic information. It helps you prioritize leads and focus your resources on those with the highest potential to convert into customers.

Customer journey mapping: Customer journey mapping is the process of visualizing the steps a customer takes when interacting with your brand. It helps you identify opportunities to improve the customer experience and optimize your marketing efforts.

Segmentation: Segmentation is the process of dividing your audience into smaller groups based on shared characteristics or behaviors. This allows you to personalize your marketing messages and increase engagement with your target audience.

Email marketing automation: Email marketing automation allows you to send targeted and personalized emails to your audience based on their behavior and interests. It helps you nurture leads and move them through the sales funnel.

A/B testing: A/B testing involves testing two versions of a marketing campaign or webpage to see which performs better. It helps you optimize your marketing efforts and improve your conversion rates.

Marketing analytics: Marketing analytics involves tracking and analyzing the performance of your marketing campaigns. It helps you make data-driven decisions and optimize your marketing strategies.

By understanding these concepts, you can effectively leverage marketing automation to increase your business’s efficiency, drive sales, and improve the customer experience.

Yeah boyeee!  That is so on zee button.

Select a Concept

So, now I can just go to that list and pick a concept to use in a “What is [X]?” blog post.

For example, Lead Scoring.

Work Through The Blog Post Template

This is where I started to use ChatGPT heavily.

Sandra + Taughnee’s blog posts are really detailed mix of prompts and fill-in-the-blank fields.

For example:

Turn Prompt and Fill-In-The Blank Sections Into ChatGPT Prompts

For example, this is the first prompt/fill-in-the-blank for the Blog Intro:

[Describe the problem your readers have right now that this post solves – e.g., Every blogger struggles to write consistently].

Here is the ChatGPT prompt I created:

“I am writing a blog post titled “What is lead scoring in marketing automation?”.

Please write a short and concise introduction of 250 words that explains why I’m writing this post, what you’ll be covering in the blog post, and why it’s important for them to understand what lead scoring is.”

This is part of ChatGPT’s response:

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, generating leads is crucial for the growth and success of any company. However, not all leads are created equal. Some are more likely to convert into paying customers, while others may not be worth pursuing. That’s where lead scoring comes into play.

Lead scoring is a process of assigning a score or value to each lead based on their behavior and engagement with your company. This helps businesses prioritize their efforts and resources on leads that are more likely to become paying customers, resulting in more efficient and effective marketing campaigns.

In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of lead scoring and explore how it can be implemented in marketing automation.

Here is another bombastic ChatGPT prompt example:

“Please provide 200 words that generically explain how to “a few reasons why they should care about lead scoring. How will it impact their bottom line? Productivity? Finances, happiness, stress level, or workflow? Let them know so they keep reading. To make this as impactful as possible, make sure you include a first-person example from the point of view of an experienced marketing consultant of how this impacted my clients. You can also add statistics, industry references, or social media posts.”

Working through the blog post template and prompting ChatGPT took the most amount of time but basically, I:

  • Methodically worked through the blog template’s prompt/fill-in-the-blank areas
  • Turned the prompt/fill-in-the-blank areas into ChatGPT prompts
  • Read through and check that the answer is “accurate and helpful”
  • Copy and pasted the ChatGPTs response into my word doc
  • Corrected any obvious mistakes, and inaccuracies and did some rough editing e.g. Headings, bullet points changing American English to British English

After about 30 minutes to an hour (yeah, I might multitask – ChatGPT gives me wings!), I had a blog post draft.

This draft gets copied and pasted directly into a new WordPress post.


Create a Super Relevant Lead Magnet


“Now that my readers are excited to take action, tell them what to do next!  Please suggest a related lead magnet they can download in exchange for their email so I can build my email list.”


Great idea! Here’s a suggestion for a related lead magnet that your readers can download in exchange for their email:

“Lead Scoring Checklist for Professional Service Businesses”

This checklist can provide a step-by-step guide to help your readers set up their own lead-scoring system. It can include key questions to ask when defining an ideal customer profile, factors to consider when scoring leads, and best practices for collaborating with sales teams. By providing this valuable resource, your readers can take action on the tips and strategies outlined in your post, and feel confident in their ability to implement an effective lead-scoring system for their professional service business.

To access the checklist, readers can enter their email addresses, and you can use this opportunity to build your email list and establish a connection with potential customers.

Holy Moly!!

I don’t want to go through every single prompt but here are the main prompts I used for the rest of the process:

Other ChatGPT Prompts Used to Create a Blog Content Funnel

Note: these are not the exact words I used but (hopefully) explain the process I took:

  • Write a CTA for the lead magnet
  • Write a series of emails that can be sent to people who download the lead magnet
  • NOTE: This results in subject lines and email copy that refers to subsequent emails in the series.  What whaaaaat?!
  • Give me a checklist outline for the lead magnet
  • Give me an introduction for each checklist section
  • Provide me with a Headline, Headline Supporting Text, Subheadline and  Subheadline Supporting Text For the Lead Magnet Landing Page
  • Give me an SEO meta description of no more than 160 characters that includes the blog posts focus keyword

In short, after a long and fruitful conversation with ChatGPT, I have:

  • A well structured Search Engine and Reader Optimised blog post
  • A compelling and relevant lead magnet
  • A lead nurturing email sequence
  • Lead Magnet Landing Page Copy

Yeah, Sun!

Heavy Editing and Creating The Final Product

It is important to note that the WordPress blog post draft is thoroughly reviewed and edited – so that I can make it my own.

I don’t mean switching out a few words. I mean I properly “Kaseified” the text.


ChatGPT could be gone tomorrow and I would probably feel like Captain America would if he suddenly had all his “super-soldier serum” removed and reverted back to being that awkward composition of a man.

But while it is here, I am going to live my best content marketing life and finally prove what Brian Clark virtually taught me all those years ago:

Teaching Sells (Biatch!!).

Nope, Google Doesn’t Hate AI Content:

Thanks to Cliff Almeida, Founder & CEO at My Web Audit for that one.

How to Create a ChatGPT-Inspired Content Funnel In Under 2 Hours [Guide]

This ultimate guide is designed to help you create a ChatGPT-inspired content funnel in under 2 hours, resulting in a powerful system for converting ideal website visitors into qualified marketing leads.

Exclusive Content

This exclusive content is for subscribers only

What is Lead Scoring in Marketing Automation?
Unlocking the Benefits of Marketing Automation in B2B Service Companies